I have been told that the last few photos, taken with the ipad( lazy me!!) are not really good and do not feature any of the brushstrokes etc that you might wish to see. I agree. I love seeing brushstrokes and paint texture and the last few photos have fallen well below par, so my apologies, and back to the camera we go( head hung but lesson learned)
Today,s efforts. once again, all down Rukuhia road, towards Mangatautari.
I shared the studio with a freaked out bird( the cat is vengeful.I threw him off the kids bed this morning. when. Came back from the school run, he had left a poor, freaked out bird in my studio.Not sure if we are even yet) and a gazillion insects. I had to leave all the windows open to offer an avenue of escape for the bird, but it seemed I offered an invitation of a morning paint party to the insects who crawled all over the palette and wet canvas .I had to paint a cow in where a large fly went SPLAT across the canvas!
still, I am happy.That is what counts.
Ps. The party went well because the radiation therapists are such good event planners! all I did was smile and wave!
PPs. I give up...the photos are still not great. anyone have any suggestions. Mike, I am directing this at you!!