25 July, 2017

More information about the Martin Campos workshop in New Zealand

For those of you who would like to attend this workshop and need more information, heres what I can tell you.

It is going to be an opportunity of a lifetime. Seriously.

Martin loves teaching, he loves talking and imparting his knowledge on others  and he loves pushing painters out of their comfort zones to create great work.

Have a look at this clip of his work .

The workshop will take place in Hamilton, close to Hamilton Lake, at a private studio. The mornings will be spent painting plein air (that"s outside, from nature) . Martin will demonstrate his abbreviated, 2 brush method of gathering information in these plein air works. Small canvasses, short bursts of time ( 20 minutes)  spent on each painting and several paintings and then back to the studio and the model. The afternoons will be spent drawing the model and incorporating the information gathered in the morning from the plein air work into the paintings of the figure.

Martin teaches is most painting mediums: oils, acrylic, pastel,watercolours. He stresses that the workshop is not about the materials , the mediums, the substrates or any of the technical paraphernalia of painters but about a new mindset, a way of thinking.

That sounds exciting!

Imagine 5 days of this and 5 days of personal painting growth!.

27 November- 1 December, Hamilton

Spaces are limited to 12 participants

Please email me jennie@jenniedegroot.com if you are interested in attending and i will forward you payment details. New Zealand participants can pay via internet or bank deposit. Foreign participants can pay via paypal.

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