08 February, 2013

Why the dog cannot come painting with me.

I have tried, on several occasions, to take Freddie painting with me. He hangs out in the studio with me all the time, but plein air painting with him is just to difficult, for both of us.

Freddie wants to say hi, hello, howzit, waddaya up to to everything and everyone. I have to keep him on a leash (by-laws and such) in public places and if we are in the countryside he chases everything unless tied to a fencepost!!!

Today we went here..Hayes Paddock beach on the Waikato river. We lasted about 10 minutes. He chased some cyclists, managed to knock the easel over (twice!) and then started barking and would not stop because he was too far from me i.e.,2 meters away!

So, we came home, had a cup of tea, then drove off again, sans dog. I left him in the courtyard with a bone. I think he was happier.

I went to introduce myself to neighbours up the road who have a great view from their top of the hill homestead and a dam/pond at the foot of their hill.I asked permission to paint at the pond and gained a watermelon in the process! Cool! I shall have to go back and paint from their property again as they have 360 views of the area and a brilliant view, all-round. Nice to meet you, Murray and Chris!

When I came back home an hour later, Freddie was still at the bone, happy enough to see me but happier not to have been out in the paddocks, sweltering in the heat and not allowed to chase the black swans and ducks that occupied the pond too.

So, i cleaned the brushes, wiped the palette and set the painting up to be photographed.....and his wagging tail swished the wet paint and effectively ruined the painting. Sigh.Poor poppet, not his fault his smile is a wagging, fluffy tail. I will scrape and try rescue it.Or maybe not!


We have another puppy, a friend for Freddie, who will be his companion whilst I am away. His name is Elvis, he is a Pappillon and Freddie is already besotted with him. He is a happy doggy now!

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