27 April, 2015

Hamilton Plein air painters group

I am sure I have mentioned I started a plein air painters group .We meet once a month on a sunday morning and paint. Sometimes, it has just been me, but last sunday, I was joined by my dad, visiting from South Africa and 3 others and we had a blast.

The autumn weather was kind: soft light, no wind,an earthiness hung in the air aromatically.With new people joining, I set up in an area a little out of the main foot traffic at the Hamilton gardens and we painted and sketched what was, in effect, an al fresco still life: a statue.

from left to right: Dad, Terry and Angie

Stylie hat wearing painter!

Still life plain air set-up!

Terry's brave effort

Angies gorgeous watercolour and sketch

Terry's handmade paint box!

So, if you want to join us, just hop onto www.meetup.com  and join the Hamilton Plein air painters group. I will send you notification of the next event!

Dad's final painting, gifted to Helen.

My final painting, no one wanted it!lol!

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