30 July, 2013

Glamour Girls

It has been a wild few weeks. School holidays culminated in a weekend trip skiing...which ended badly when my husband had a spectacular crash on his snowboard, separating his shoulder. (eugh, sounds painful just writing the word "separate"). So, I was left to take the 8 and 11 year old all over the mountain. This is a bit like asking the queen mother to guide you up Everest. I managed to fall off the T-bar lift and provide the cafe  with a half hour spectacle of myself trying to negotiate the freestyle area of the mountain. To say I feel harassed and frazzled would be an understatement.

I have said a few very bad words over the last few days. I have also laughed a lot. I find the one cancels the other out, karmically.

So, a big week . I have 5 paintings in the Waikato Dio Art Exhibition, 1-3 August and 7 pieces at the Garden Art Studio Gallery in Cambridge.  All delivered today. On top of all that, I am driving Miss Daisy as Charles cannot drive himself to work for a while!

Glamour Girls is one of the paintings at The Garden Art Studio. I had a lovely chat with artists Caroline Blair who was busy hanging work the the August themed "Four legs, Fur and feathers" Cute title, hey!

Glamour Girls
Acrylic on canvas
900mm x 1200mm

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