27 January, 2013

Auckland Anniversary day Plein air

I stayed close to home,  painting down the road this morning. I bumped into friends taking their children for a leisurely horse ride, some stopped cars and had a chat and I finished off by popping in for a coffee,cake and chat with my writer friend at the end of said road.

The morning is perfect and will be hot and sunny for the next few days. New Zealand has a Maori name, Aotearoa, which means "Land of the long white cloud". As an island, there are always clouds around but today we have nothing but blue skies from horizon to horizon. So of course, I painted almost no sky whatsoever! What I wanted to catch was how the morning light infused everything with a glow.

I painted on a canvas toned with a mix of permanent rose and Indian yellow. Vivid orange,really.

I like it.

20 x 30 cm
oil on canvas board

Using me Coulter plein air system easel setup and Best Brella umbrella.....and the boot of my car for all the other junk!

What an absolutely wonderful morning.

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